+86 133 0629 8178

30PCS Precision Ratchet Screwdriver Bits And Sockets Kit

Incazelo emfushane:

Isibambo se-ratchet esinemibala ephindwe kabili kanye ne-hexagonal rod kungashintsha ngokushesha futhi kalula izingcezu ze-screwdriver.

Isibambo sinikezwe idizayini ye-ratchet yamagiya amathathu, engazungeza kwesokudla nakwesokunxele. Iphakathi liyisibambo esingaguquki.

Ifakwe i-screwdriver yesokhethi eminingi ukuze iqedele imisebenzi ehlukahlukene.

Ilungele abasebenzi ezindaweni ezahlukahlukene: isethi yama-screwdrivers ukuhlangabezana nezidingo ezahlukahlukene, i-standby yasendlini, ochwepheshe bezokulungisa, abathanda i-DIY, njll.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo


30pcs ratchet screwdriver bits kanye nezisekelo kit yamathuluzi, kuhlanganise:

Amasokhethi angu-6pcs angu-6.3mm, enziwe ngensimbi ye-carbon, ene-chrome plating ekhanyayo ngaphezulu, enobukhulu obungu-5, 6, 7, 8, 9 kanye no-10mm.

Isibambo somshayeli we-ratchet esingu-1pc, izinto ezintsha ezinemibala emibili ye-PP + TPR, injoloba emnyama eboshwe.

1pc i-adaptha yamasokhethi e-hexagon-square, i-chrome plated surface, elungele ukuguqulwa kwamasokhethi.

8pcs CRV ukunemba izingcezu (S4 x 28mm), chrome plated surface, main umzimba oqoshiwe bithi ukucaciswa. Imininingwane yilena:

3pcs isicaba izingcezu: SL2/SL3/SL4mm.

3pcs isiphambano:PHO,PHO,PH1

I-2pcs torx: T10, T15. 

14pcs 1 / 4 " screwdriver bits (6.3x25mm), surface sandblasting, main body steel seal, usayizi:

3pcs slot: 4, 5, 6mm

2pcs phillips: Ph1, PH3

I-6pcs torxs: T10 / T15 * 2 / T20 * 2 / T25

3pcs hexagon: H4, H5, H6

Ukupakishwa kwebhokisi lepulasitiki lekhava esobala, elinezimbobo ezilengayo, inkinobho eyodwa yokuvula nokudonsa okuvula nokuvala umklamo ohlangothini.


Imodeli No



1pc isibambo somshayeli we-ratchet.

1pc i-adaptha yamasokhethi e-hexagon-square.

6pcs 6.3mm amasokhethi: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 kanye 10mm.

8 CRV ukunemba izingcezu (S4 x 28mm)

3pcs isicaba izingcezu: SL2/SL3/SL4mm.

3pcs isiphambano:PHO,PHO,PH1

I-2pcs torx: T10, T15.

14pcs 1 / 4 " screwdriver bits (6.3x25mm)

3pcs slot: 4, 5, 6mm

2pcs phillips: Ph1, PH3

I-6pcs torxs: T10 / T15 * 2 / T20 * 2 / T25

3pcs hexagon: H4, H5, H6

Isibonisi somkhiqizo

30PCS Precision Ratchet Screwdriver Bits And Sockets Kit
30PCS Precision Ratchet Screwdriver Bits And Sockets Kit

Ukusetshenziswa kwe-ratchet screwdriver kanye nekhithi yezisekelo:

Le khithi ye-screwdriver ye-ratchet ne-sockets iyasebenza kubasebenzi ezindaweni ezihlukahlukene: isethi yama-screwdrivers ukuhlangabezana nezidingo ezihlukahlukene, i-standby yasendlini, ochwepheshe bezokulungisa, abathanda i-DIY, njll.

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